Anglès A1

(anual: 2 quotes)

Do you speak English? Comprendràs i faràs servir expressions quotidianes, frases senzilles i aprendràs un vocabulari bàsic.


Especialment indicat per a estudiants sense cap coneixement de la llengua anglesa.



    • 126 €
    • 10 €
    • 0 €
Categoria: Etiquetes: , , , ,


      • Temps verbals i verbs
        • To be (present and past)
        • Can/Can’t
        • Present Simple
        • Like + -ing
        • Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs)
        • Present Continuous
        • Be going to (plans and predictions)
        • Like/would like
        • Present Perfect
      • Personal Pronouns
      • Possessive Adjectives
      • Possessive Pronouns
      • Possessive ‘s
      • a/an ; some/any
      • this, that / this, those
      • Adverbs of frequency
      • Prepositions of time
      • There is/are, there was/were
      • How much/how many; quantifiers: a lot, not much…
      • Comparatives and Superlatives adjectives
      • Like/Would like
      • Adverbs



      • Numbers (1-1.000)
      • Countries and Nationalities
      • Personal information
      • Common object, classroom objects
      • Common verb phrases
      • Jobs
      • Family
      • Adjectives
      • Daily routine
      • Time words and expressions
      • The date
      • Free time activities
      • Past time expressions
      • Word formation (jobs)
      • Go, have, get
      • House and furniture
      • Prepositions of place
      • Food , Drinks
      • Holidays
      • Personal adjectives
      • Common Adverbs
      • Been to


Practical English (Speaking)

      • On a plane
      • At a hotel
      • In a coffee shop
      • In a clothes shop
      • In a gift shop
      • In the street
      • At a restaurant


* Per alguns horaris cal fer prova de nivell. Consulta-ho a administració.

Indicat per a...

Indicat per a...

gent sense cap coneixement de la llengua anglesa i que vulgui estudiar a un ritme calmat.